Med School Valentines

Can you feel it? That strange feeling in your chest? Is it love? Or is it atypical angina? Let’s find out as we discuss the beauty of Valentine’s Day. If you have a special someone, I hope you are able to take time today to be together and share your affections. But, if you are single and searching, search no further. You may not know, but there are actually thousands of eligible young souls in medicine around the country ready to be snatched up at this very moment. Their only flaw is that they don’t know how to market themselves. That’s where I come in.

The Daily Perks

Let’s start with the wonder that is spending time with a medical student, well, when you’re able to find a time they’re free. If you’re able to pry them away from their desk or laptop, I know they will be so grateful. Sure, as you’re walking the town or getting dinner, will their mind drift to a lecture they haven’t covered or stress about the many practice questions they have remaining? It’s possible. But, don’t let that discourage you from appreciating the moments you share! You’ll be grateful for their basal level of stress when you find yourself with a common cold that they quickly diagnose as Tuberculosis or your caffeine-withdrawal headache they assure you could be a tumor. How amazing it is to always have someone there prepared for the worst to protect you. You can rest surely each night, albeit while your partner tosses and turns with crazed mutterings of study nightmares.

No Money? No Problem!

You know what makes life stressful? Managing finances. Balancing a checkbook. Deciding how much of your income to spend this month and how much is set aside for a rainy day. It’s a lot to consider, but not for a Med Student! How can they worry about dividing up an income when they don’t have one? One of the considerable joys of being in Medical school is knowing that for the foreseeable future, financial planning is out of your hands! Students get all of the perks of a medical work schedule without that pesky excess income to worry about. What more could they want? And what’s wonderful is that the loans they take on are begging to be shared. By dating a Med Student, you get to share in their debt experience and forge through this financial future together. Be sure to thank them for freeing you from fiscal agency, it’s truly a gift they’re eager to provide.

Life of the Party

Now, I’m sure you’re already sold and are Dm’ing eligible singles right now. However, if you need more convincing, consider how dating a medical student will elevate parties and celebrations to a whole new level. Say it’s Halloween, and their schedule has been too busy to find a costume. While some partners may embarrass you in front of your friends by coming to the party without any costume, have no fear. Watch in amazement as they arrive half an hour late dressed in scrubs or in their school-affiliated Patagonia. Phew! I promise you, it isn’t because they love how others look at them or because they need to remind everyone they’re in medicine. Soon, they’ll become the life of the party as they engage in group small-talk with their all-too-realistic hospital stories or elevate dinner by sharing fun gastrointestinal anatomy trivia! Your friends will absolutely be grateful for their unique presence, and you’ll leave the party swarmed with invitations to the next engagement.

Unique Date Nights

What’s a classic date night? Dinner and a movie? Catch a concert? Surprise weekend getaway? BORING. How many times can you do the same old before you get sick of it? If you’ve never dated a medical student, you’ve been missing out on an entirely new classic date night. Snuggle up next to your partner as they get home late and enjoy an episode of “Grey’s Anatomy” while they point out every inaccuracy that would never happen in a real hospital. Isn’t that great? Learning new things is fun! Maybe the night takes an…intimate…turn, that is if your partner hasn’t collapsed from exhaustion yet. As you two share that special time, you may wonder, “They’re not thinking about anatomy right now, are they?” Probably not! I’m sure they’re just focusing very hard on you and not on their exam tomorrow. Afterward, whereas another partner might end the night with a boring back rub, a medical student provides their partner an encore show of hastily flipping through the Anki cards they’re behind on and most likely tried sneaking in throughout the evening. Gaze at the miraculous speed in which your partner races through the deck, and marvel at their mind in how it’s retaining nearly half of the efforts!

A Compassionate Partner

Goodness, need I say more? How many reasons do you need before you go snatch up one of these souls? I’ll give you one more, just to be safe. Everyone has flaws, and there’s always a reason not to be with someone. On the surface, med students may have more reasons than others. If you’re able to look past the temporary heightened stress in their lives and appreciate the difficult schedule, I promise you’ll be thankful to be with a passionate, caring, and driven individual. Anything meaningful in life is worth working for, and that is certainly embodied by medical students. They sacrifice a few years for a lifetime of being able to help people in a truly impactful way, and they’re given little assurance that their efforts will be rewarded. That mindset is driven by some inner passion for people and proving care. It’s something special. Someone walking through life in that way is someone I certainly wouldn’t mind sharing a bite to eat with. Give them a chance this Valentine’s Day. Who knows? Maybe it’ll turn into a lifetime of happiness.


Match Madness


Authors in Medicine